Who is Ms. S and Mr, Cocktail?

My photo
Hey, it's me. Suzanne. Kinda obvious ! Still finding my place in the world On the journey to be happy And I'm here to share my stories.

September 28, 2011

Cloud Gazing

Dear Mr. Cocktail,

taken by F415ALL mobile picture, specially for me <3
I love to cloud gaze.
Those who know me well, realize from the amount of cloud picture I have on my phone.
A dear love of mine knows this and took a picture while he was on the plane, don't worry the plane didn't crash or anything.. the phone was on airplane-mode.

taken from my mobile

I even have a iCloud app on my iPod

cloudy day, taken by my mobile

Everday I sat on my chair, working.  I always let myself to look on my right
waiting.. for the most beautiful cloud that pass-by

and when it's there.. I will gaze and daydream.

afternoon light, taken by my mobile
It's Sunset
I could see all the colors that my mobile failed to capture
I see orange
I see pink
I see purple
and a hint of greyness

I always feel like such a lucky girl and how small I am in this world every time I could gaze.
One of the simple things in life that always make me smile
don't you?


September 22, 2011

Bloggers Inpired: 2 *Nails*

Dear Mr. Cocktail,

I finally made the glitter nails inspired from Cupcakes and Cashmere post Mermaid Nails
I have red and pink glitter and ended up using the red glitter.. should've tried the pink one for "statement"

It's still look fabulous..
have you done you nails lately???


September 15, 2011

MB Wedding Reception

Dear Mr. Cocktail,

Here's some of M & B wedding reception photos thats lonngggggg over due. *sorry



sorry for the delays, I try to keep up.

PS: I didn't took the photos the wedding photography did. Which one I'm not so sure.. haha


September 06, 2011

Happy Birthday!

Dear Mr Cocktail,

Today is My BIRTHDAY.. 

I know I'm behind with all the blog stuff. I was hospitalize for a week and in recovery for 2 weeks.
So I haven't been able catching up with that hot in the blog-world. But I promise I will catch up soon. 
giving up date and reading al the blogs I've been following.
And I'm re-designing my blog look. 

Wish me all the best and the speedy recovery.